In the US: Demand and price of recovered paper keeps increasing
Strong domestic demand, rising insurance premiums and tight supply have led to a new increase in the price of recovered paper in the US domestic market. OCC increased by 20 USD/ton compared to the price in June 2021, marks the 9th consecutive month of increases.
In July 2021, the OCC price in the US reached 129 USD/ton, the highest FOB in the past 4 years.
Compared to this time in 2020, the average price of OCC in the US has increased by 139%, or 75 USD/ton, up from the average of 54 USD/ton in July 2020. From the beginning of 2021, the average price of OCC increased by 56 USD/ton from the average price of 73 USD/ton in January 2021 and increased by 20 USD/ton compared to the average price of June 2021 of 109 USD/ton.
July 2021 also marks the 7th consecutive month of price increases for SOP and pulp substitutes, with the average monthly increase of $25-30/ton.
Australia extends ADDs, CVDs tax on imported photocopy paper
According to the Australian Trade Commission, the request to conduct an administrative investigation into the extension of anti-dumping duty (ADD) on copy paper imported from Brazil, China, Indonesia and Thailand, and anti-subsidy tax 7 % (CVD) for this product imported from China.
It is expected that the announcement of the imposition of tax on imported photocopier paper products will be made from April 2022.
Currently, a lot of photocopy paper is imported into Australia, making Australian Paper, a company associated with Nippon Paper Industries, the only domestic photocopy paper manufacturer, forced to price products according to the price of imported paper.
According to import data of the Australian Anti-Dumping Commission, if the tax rate is reduced, the current situation of photocopying paper imports will seriously affect the domestic industry. The Trade Commission requires parties to provide data and submit it by August 9, 2021.
Imports of photocopy paper from Finland, Slovakia, Korea and Russia into Australia are also subject to ADDs since 2019. However, that tax rate (ranging from 14.4 to 16.4%), is much lower for with Slovakia’s Mondi and Korea’s Hankuk Paper and will expire in April 2024.
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