Why Should I Recycle Cardboard?

7 October 20200

When you receive countless cardboard boxes in the mail, your first instinct may be to get them out of sight and throw them away. Because they can take up a lot of space, you just want them out of the house. However, you should know that cardboard recycling in New Jersey is possible. When you can, you should always try to recycle cardboard instead of throwing it away. Because it is essentially thick paper, it can be repurposed many times. There are a few great reasons why you should be recycling your cardboard.

Conserves Water

When trees are turned into paper products, they are put through a process called pulping. This process breaks down the wood into finer particles, and it requires a lot of water. By recycling your cardboard, you are cutting down on the need for the pulping process. This saves a lot of water from being wasted on this process.

Saves Trees

Paper and cardboard are made from trees. Simply put, when you recycle your cardboard, you eliminate the need for more trees. Instead, the cardboard can be repurposed into other paper products. Cardboard can actually be repurposed four or five times over before its fibers are destroyed, making it an extremely recyclable product. This will help eliminate deforestation and preserve our trees, giving the environment a break from harm from the manufacturing process.

Reduces Greenhouse Gases

Because it can be repurposed many times over, cardboard recycling can help reduce energy consumption. A lot of energy is used in the manufacturing of paper products. When cardboard is recycled and reused, there is a lower consumption of energy required, which leads to a low consumption of fossil fuels. This process eliminates air pollution because it eliminates the need for burning fossil fuels and other energy sources that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Also, when cardboard sits in a landfill, it released methane gas, a popular greenhouse gas, as it is broken down. By recycling the cardboard instead of throwing it away, you are giving it a purposeful destination.

Saves Space

Cardboard is bulky, and people typically don’t take the time to break it down before they chuck it in their garbage cans. Even though cardboard is biodegradable, it takes a considerable amount of time before it is fully broken down. In the meantime, it takes up valuable space in the landfill. Instead of throwing it away and taking up space that could be reallocated to real garbage, the simple solution is to help cardboard recycling in New Jersey and the rest of the world to be successful.

Recycling cardboard can be easy to do when you set aside a bin in your home to place all of your recycled materials. This way, you can continue to collect recyclable materials over time. Once it comes time for your company for cardboard recycling in New Jersey to collect everything, you will always be ready.

Source: https://www.allcountyrecycling.com/blog/2020/why-should-i-recycle-cardboard.html


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